Our Values

The qualities and core expectations that guide us

We embody the values of the hundreds of entrepreneurs who make up our family of businesses. They set us apart and demonstrate that together, we are all CRH.

In everything we do at CRH…

people value icon with blue circle backgroundPEOPLE are our priority

We build enduring relationships and we care for each other's safety and well-being


character value icon with blue circle backgroundCHARACTER is our strength

We do what we say, we live by our word and we collaborate to deliver as one team


performance value icon with blue circle backgroundPERFORMANCE is our commitment

We achieve impact globally through local delivery, entrepreneurial drive and environmental stewardship


innovation value icon with blue circle backgroundINNOVATION is our way forward

We strive to shape the next generation of sustainable building materials and solutions

Join our team and help build our world
for generations to come!

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